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PilotFish’s Integration Suite, the Only Solution You Need

PilotFish provides a comprehensive healthcare integration suite and services to support customer implementations that solve the healthcare industry’s interoperability challenges. This suite of healthcare integration solutions enables interoperability between modern and legacy systems, using any platform, operating system and communications protocol – virtually anything to anything integration, anywhere.

Pilotfish’s suite of products consists of the eiPlatform – an enterprise healthcare integration solution; the eiConsole – a developer’s workstation tailored for healthcare interface development and the eiDashboard – a web-based application for operational reporting and healthcare interface monitoring. Together, this suite provides an organization with everything needed to implement an enterprise-level end-to-end solution for any healthcare integration requirement.

By architecting our products to be flexible, we support all healthcare standards, including HL7 v2.x and 3.x, FHIR, DICOM, CCD/CCDA, HIPAA X12 EDI, and JSON, APIs and any XML-based standard. This architectural flexibility also enables us to implement support for new standards as they are adopted quickly. Our solution is also highly extensible. We offer the only integration engine you will ever need.

Our products have been designed to be easy to use and learn, so you can bring up teams to speed fast and complete implementations more quickly. Our Graphical Assembly Line process for interface configuration and built-in collaboration tools ensures you’ll never be dependent on who built an interface again and teams can work interchangeably on interfaces. Through configuration panels, drop-down menus, drag & drop data mapping and inline testing, automation is highly leveraged to reduce the time required to complete integrations. 

Our long list of clients, 20+ years in the industry, rock-solid products and high customer service have earned us a 5-star rating on Gartner’s Capterra product review site.

PilotFish Client Product Quote”Hospitals are increasingly requiring more automation and integration between very diverse systems. PilotFish’s Healthcare Integration Engine provides us with the ability to integrate these systems in the most rapid way possible. The solution is also highly configurable and extensible through open APIs. No matter what communications protocol, database or data format we need to support, PilotFish offers us that flexibility. With PilotFish, the barriers to interoperability are removed, and Crothall is best positioned to meet the ever-changing needs of our hospital clients.”


Michael DeMarco, Vice President, Information Services, Crothall Healthcare

Discover how we tackle integration challenges by exploring our Healthcare Case Studies or our FAQs


Core Products

PilotFish Enterprise Integration Suite

PilotFish Enterprise Integration Suite


eiPlatform – Integration/Interface Engine

PilotFish’s eiPlatform is an enterprise-level integration solution and complete Java framework. It supports any operating system and is compatible with all popular Databases, Application Servers and other platforms. The eiPlatform runtime has built-in support to operate on Amazon Web Service (AWS), Google Compute Engine (GCE) and Microsoft Azure Cloud Computing (Azure) facilitating cloud-based healthcare integration. Docker containerization significantly automates deployment and makes it effortless. Customers can also choose self-hosting and onsite deployment, catering to diverse healthcare IT infrastructure needs.

The eiPlatform is also highly scalable and complements our eiConsole Interface Engine IDE. Interfaces configured in the eiConsole IDE can be deployed on the eiPlatform and operate in a secure, high-performance, unattended mode. PilotFish’s eiPlatform and eiConsole constitute a complete solution suite for complex healthcare data interoperability by providing better scalability, reduced costs, higher reliability with faster development times and virtually infinite flexibility.

PilotFish Client Product Quote“When I was reading reviews about PilotFish, one of the biggest things that stood out was how easy it is to configure. That’s a game changer for us.”


SVP Vendor Operations, Solution Provider for Medicare Advantage Plans

eiConsole – Integration/Interface Engine IDE

PilotFish’s eiConsole offers an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) featuring a Graphical Interface Assembly Line process where users can configure interfaces and perform data mapping without any coding or scripting streamlining the healthcare interface development process. Users can toggle between the eiConsole Data Mapper’s graphical or code view in real-time. It allows business analysts to create mappings using drag & drop or developers to use XSLT. Developers can also create extensions using Java or a .Net bridge.

The eiConsole has been designed to allow business analysts and non-developers to participate in configuring, managing and maintaining interfaces while developers can speed up implementation with automated features. By using the eiConsole, organizations no longer have to rely only on tedious hand-coding and scarce IT resources to complete their integration.

PilotFish also offers industry-specific eiConsole bundles that include explicit support for healthcare standards and features that make working with these standards easier and faster. These are as follows:


  • eiConsole for Healthcare
    Offers features and support that facilitate easier management and processing of HL7 (Health Level Seven) standards, including:
    • An HL7 Parser that allows users to parse incoming HL7 messages, extract relevant data, and transform it into a format that is compatible with your target system. The HL7 Parser is also specifically designed to handle non-standard messages so that they can be readily consumed.
    • HL7 Message Validation which ensures the conformity of HL7 messages to the specified standards. The validation checks whether incoming messages adhere to HL7 standards and helps to identify and handle errors.
    • An HL7 Friendly Name Option which replaces cryptic HL7 names with simple, understandable synonyms derived from field descriptions in the appropriate version of the HL7 vocabulary.
    • Inline Documentation for the Entire HL7 Vocabulary (2.x & 3.x) which includes an easy-to-navigate, tree-based view of all the messages, segments, components and fields in the selected version. Also included are lists of allowable values, field descriptions and cross-references to official HL7 specifications.


  • eiConsole for X12 EDI
    Delivers features and specific modules that strip away the technical complexity of parsing, validating, mapping and producing X12 EDI files including:
    • An X12 EDI Format Builder that provides automatic processes to parse and read in any X12 EDI transactions and load in a rich data dictionary for EDI transactions. It also includes field-level documentation.
    • An X12 EDI Friendly Names Option which provides human-readable names for “cryptic” EDI records and segments where EDI elements can be augmented with human-readable, descriptive names as outlined in the HIPAA implementation guides.
    • A lenient X12 EDI Parser which easily consumes highly variable compliant and non-compliant X12 EDI.
    • X12 EDI Inline Documentation which provides implementation-specific inline documentation and context to ease the mapping process.
    • X12 EDI Looping Contexts which aid and organize EDI to XML and XML to EDI mapping.
    • SNIP Validation (Types 1-7) which validates X12 EDI messages during processing for structure with PilotFish’s stand-alone rules-driven EDI SNIP Validation Processor. The SNIP validation is out-of-the-box for Types 1-3, and for Types 4-7, it is offered as an add-on.


eiSuite EDI SNIP4+

eiSuite EDI SNIP4+ is a complete solution suite of PilotFish offerings that facilitates X12 EDI HIPAA integration and support for SNIP Types 1-7 validation and optionally external code set maintenance including:

  • The ability to convert documents to XML for improved parsing, transformation and validation as well as greater interoperability with other systems.
  • Support for all X12 EDI transaction sets for Healthcare, including EDI 270, 271, 275, 276, 277, 278, 820, 824, 834, 835, 837-P, 837-D, 837-I, 997, 999, TA1.
  • Validation of SNIP Levels 1 through 7 with Pilotfish’s hyper-speed EDI Validation Processor.
  • Instant SNIP Level 5 validation against 49 External Code Sets which is comprised of millions of individual codes.
  • An optional subscription for continuous update and maintenance of External Code Sets.
  • An eiDashboard with real-time operational insight into transaction processing, including dynamic reporting and data visualization.

EDI HIPAA Integration, Validation and Code Set Maintenance with PilotFish

A Complete Solution Suite for X12 EDI HIPAA Integration with Validation and
Code Set Maintenance that Supports All Transactions



PilotFish’s eiDashboard is an optional web-based application for operational monitoring and interface reporting and management. The eiDashboard includes enhanced dynamic reporting for visual report generation and the ability to make changes on the fly. When combined with the eiPlatform and eiConsole, users have a real-time operational reporting & management dashboard to view the health of their interfaces and transactions.


PilotFish’s eiTestBed is an online self-service portal that facilitates the onboarding of exchange trading partners. The portal provides all the resources that an organization’s trading partners need to establish initial and ongoing healthcare information exchange. The eiTestBed includes a repository of sample files, step-by-step instructions and everything required from end-to-end to configure an interface to your system. An automated testing facility allows the testing and retesting of messages until the messages are fully validated and data can be exchanged with your organization. The eiTestBed streamlines the onboarding process and relieves an organization of the time-consuming process of bringing on new customers.

PilotFish eiTestBed for Information Exchange & Customer Onboarding


Transforming Healthcare Integration and Interoperability with PilotFish

PilotFish’s dedication to transforming healthcare integration and interoperability is evident in our continuous innovation and comprehensive suite of solutions. From streamlining HL7 data exchange to ensuring HIPAA compliance in EDI transactions, our products are tailored to meet the diverse needs of the healthcare industry. By choosing PilotFish, healthcare organizations gain a trusted partner in their journey towards achieving seamless data integration and interoperability, essential components for the future of healthcare.

If you’re curious about the software features, free trial, or even a demo – we’re ready to answer any and all questions. Please call 813 864 8662 or click the button.

HL7 is the registered trademark of Health Level Seven International.
X12, chartered by the American National Standards Institute for more than 35 years, develops and maintains EDI standards and XML schemas.

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