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PilotFish eiPlatform Healthcare Integration Platform

Healthcare Integration Engine Solutions

The PilotFish suite of integration engine solutions delivers rapid interoperability in virtually every area of healthcare. Solution providers are leveraging our integration software’s flexibility, extensibility, and easy learning curve to accelerate integration and increase revenues. With our interface engine’s exclusive graphical automated interface assembly line process and open APIs, interfaces can be created and maintained at an unprecedented speed. No coding, no scripting required. HL7 and X12 EDI interfaces are a snap. Non-developers can do up to 90% of the work too. Interface reuse further slashes implementation timelines.

Experience PilotFish for yourself. Take a test drive with our 90-Day Free Trial.

PilotFish EDI X12 Integration Wordcloud PilotFish HL7 Integration Wordcloud

See Why PilotFish Wins Consistently

Experience PilotFish’s ease of use, powerful performance and specialized features.

  • No coding or scripting required
  • Configure, map, test and deploy interfaces graphically
  • Excels in messaging, events and transactional integrations
  • Includes all standard and proprietary data formats

Download the industry’s only Free 90-Day Trial. Or request a custom demonstration.

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