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PilotFish Clients Across Industries

PilotFish Healthcare Integration Clients

PilotFish appreciates the opportunities our clients have given us as a partner in providing integration solutions to complex business problems.  Whether supporting new product launches, faster implementations, streamlined processes or generating actionable insights – we share their passion for success.

We continually reinvest in our products and services with the objective of keeping them the best on the planet for our partners and clients. Our many industry and technology partners and associations allow us to provide even greater breadth and depth of service to our customers.

Simply put, we enable interoperability across the entire healthcare ecosystem. 

The PilotFish interface engine clients include solution providers, medical device and equipment manufacturers, application providers, HIEs, TPAs, clearinghouses, government entities and channel partners. (See our case studies on HL7, X12 EDI, NCPDP integrations and more.)

Point-of-Care Workstations and Medication Delivery and Management “low cost-of-entry in terms of training and ramp-up”

PilotFish Client Product QuoteWe’ve used PilotFish’s eiConsole since 2012 to quickly develop end-to-end interfaces for our mobile medication management products. The winning combination of their easily-digestible training, simple yet powerful console user interface, and even a repository of existing interface templates (PIE) made PilotFish an easy decision when we needed to integrate an interface broker solution.


Director Software Engineering, Software and Medical Equipment

Third Party Administrator (TPA) Employee Benefit Plans “easy to learn”

PilotFish Client Product QuoteThe software is easy to learn and allows our team of analysts to implement ETL jobs. The software is very versatile allowing for any file type or connection to data. Unlike some ETL tools you can build complete platforms to manage your data acquisition and delivery methods.


Director of EDI, Health, Wellness and Fitness

Health Information Exchange (HIE) “Life Saver Platform!”

PilotFish Client Product QuoteLove the ease of use and the speed of which you can get your job done on this platform. It has taken every file type we have thrown at it and processed the files with ease. The training materials that they offer online alone are very well thought out and put together to make their clients successful. The in-person training was very insightful and set us up to be successful right out of the gates with using the software. We have been able to turn around clients on our end 10 times faster than in the past.


Senior Integration Specialist, Hospital & Health Care

EMR Vendor Easy product to use

PilotFish Client Product QuoteI have found that if you think outside the box to help a customer the solution will always involve PilotFish to provide that outside the box functionality. It is flexible and easy. There are so many different methods to transform messages. There are videos and tutorials to teach you how to use this product even after training. The team at PilotFish is very responsive for any questions. One of the best customer services encountered.


Product Line Manager, Information Technology and Services

Health Information Exchange (HIE) “most user-friendly”

PilotFish Client Product QuoteWe have been using the platform for years to extract clinical data from multiple EHR systems, normalizing values and populating a data warehouse. Our staff was easily trained and support is always a phone call away – although seldom used. This is the most user friendly and easy to use transformation software that produces comprehensive and precise results. Can’t really identify any negative issues.


Director, Information Technology and Service

About Us: PilotFish, Inc. integration solutions include the eiPlatform, enterprise integration software that leverages Java framework, Web services and industry XML standards to enable the deployment of internal and external system interfaces. The eiConsole developer workstation IDE uses a graphical user interface with fully customizable components. All data standards are supported including HL7, X12 EDI, FHIR, NCPDP, JSON, DICOM, CDA, CCD, Flat File, CSV, Delimited, XML, ACORD and more. 

If you’re curious about the software features, free trial, or even a demo – we’re ready to answer any and all questions. Please call 813 864 8662 or click the button.

HL7 is the registered trademark of Health Level Seven International.
X12, chartered by the American National Standards Institute for more than 35 years, develops and maintains EDI standards and XML schemas.

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