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EMR & EHR Data Integration

Overcoming EHR and EMR Integration Challenges with PilotFish’s Integration Platform

Despite government and industry efforts, interoperability and data-blocking, challenges remain a problem within healthcare. PilotFish offers a proven solution with a suite of products to overcome these challenges – custom-architected tools and a streamlined process that simplifies integration with EHR and EMR systems. PilotFish’s integration engine helps Solution Providers overcome data exchange challenges and facilitates interoperability with EHR and EMR systems. PilotFish has a successful track record of integration with all the major EHR and EMR systems and provides a reliable and very cost-efficient option for Solution Providers.

EHR/EMR System Integrations Using PilotFish


Accuro (QHR)GE CentricityNightingale EHR
AllscriptsGreenway HealthOmniMD
Amazing ChartsHealthscreenOpenEMR
AndvancedMDJuno EHROracle Health
AthenahealthKareo ClinicalOSCAREMR
CharstarMcKessonPractice Fusion
CIS BaseMcKesson StarPraxis
Code-MedMedesync EMRPurkinje
CPSIMEDHOSTSiemens Soarian
CureMDMedigold HealthSigmaCare
Dr. ChronoMEDITECHSunquest
Flatiron HealthNextGenYorkMed


PilotFish Helps You Fast-Track Your Implementations

The PilotFish Integration Suite of Products gives Solution Providers everything they need to fast-track their EHR implementations and overcome any integration roadblocks. The eiConsole interface engine features a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for business analysts and those with limited technical expertise to participate in configuring interfaces, maintenance and the testing process – often performing as much as 80% of the work. This ability allows an organization to free up its scarce IT resources for other projects.

EHR/EMR Integration

PilotFish’s “Graphical Automated Interface Assembly Line” process allows Solution Providers to create a single, standard method for exchanging data with their system and various EHRs and EMRs. This method is easily configurable and can be added to a library of templates that grows over time to cover the majority of EHR and EMR integration needs. This approach simplifies the integration process as well as reduces the time and resources required to get a solution up and running and implemented with an EHR/EMR system.


EHR Integration Example using PilotFish Middleware

EHR/EMR Integration Workflow Example for Solution Providers using PilotFish Interface Engine


PilotFish provides a set of pre-built Listener adapters (40+) to allow connectivity with any EHR/EMR system. These pre-built adaptors eliminate the need to write custom code to connect a Solution Provider’s system with an EHR/EMR system. These adaptors make the integration process faster and less error-prone.

The PilotFish engine also includes a library of 130+ Processors to manipulate the data and can perform operations that affect all of the incoming data. They may be layered in any order. Processors can perform many tasks to help support EHR/EMR integration.

The data validation processor checks incoming data for errors and ensures that it meets specific criteria, such as data type and length before it is passed on to the target EHR/EMR system. Validation helps to prevent errors and ensure the accuracy of the data being entered into the EHR/EMR system.

The HL7 Identification Processor scans HL7 MSH header segments in HL7 transactions and stores key values as transaction attributes. The Call Route Processor invokes another route or interface. Each processor can be accessed via a simple drop-down menu. Users only need to fill out a simple configuration panel.

When integrating with EHRs the lack of interoperability between systems can be a significant challenge. EMRs often use different data formats and standards than Solution Providers, making it difficult to exchange data between them seamlessly. The technical complexities of integrating solution provider systems with EMR/EHR systems add yet another challenge. PilotFish helps you overcome these challenges by providing a platform that is flexible, scalable, and easy to use for mapping, transforming and exchanging healthcare data between systems. The engine supports many data formats and standards, including HL7, X12 EDI, DICOM, FHIR, and many others.

The engine includes robust monitoring and reporting tools that provide real-time visibility into the data exchange process, thus allowing Solution Providers to identify and resolve any issues quickly. PilotFish also includes automation in its offering, enabling Solution Providers to automate repetitive tasks and streamline the integration process.

For mapping and transformations, PilotFish provides a visual mapping tool that allows Solution Providers to easily map their data to the appropriate format via drag & drop. The engine also includes data transformation capabilities that enable Solution Providers to convert data from one format to another as needed.

The PilotFish Solution Suite includes robust monitoring and reporting tools (eiDashboard) that provide real-time visibility into the data exchange process, allowing vendors to identify and resolve any issues quickly.

PilotFish Client Product Quote“We were extremely pleased with the high level of service and dedication that the PilotFish team exhibited during this implementation phase. PilotFish was a true partner working hand-in-hand with the Morrison team to leverage the PilotFish integration engine solution. Together they built a foundation for a set of high-performance pipelines between HL7-based EMR and registration systems and the cloud-based JSON API exposed by MyDining.”


Mike DeMarco, Vice President of Field Systems at Compass Group

PilotFish Helps You Ensure Patient Data is Protected

Data security and privacy are other critical requirements for EHR/EMR integration, as well as ensuring that sensitive patient data is protected. The PilotFish solution ensures data security and privacy during the integration process by offering these features:

Encryption: The engine uses industry-standard encryption algorithms to secure data in transit and at rest. Encryption helps protect sensitive patient data from unauthorized access and breaches.

Authentication: The engine includes robust authentication mechanisms (such as user ID and password) to ensure that only authorized users can access the data.

Access control: The engine supports fine-grained access control, which allows administrators to determine who has access to sensitive patient data and what actions they can perform.

Auditing: The engine tracks and logs all data exchange activities, providing a clear audit trail of who has accessed patient data and when.

Compliance: The engine complies with industry-standard regulations (such as HIPAA and GDPR) which help protect sensitive patient data.

Disaster recovery: The engine includes disaster recovery and business continuity capabilities, allowing the data exchange process to continue even in the event of a system failure.


PilotFish Offers Flexible Deployment and Licensing Options to Meet Your Business Requirements

One size does not fit all; that’s why PilotFish has architected its solution for deployment flexibility. We offer several licensing options to meet virtually any requirement a solution might need.

On-Premises Deployment: Solution Providers can deploy PilotFish’s integration engine on their server infrastructure, which gives them full control over the solution’s deployment and configuration.

Cloud Deployment: PilotFish also offers a cloud deployment option for Solution Providers who prefer a cloud-based solution. This option eliminates the need for on-premises hardware and provides easy scalability and quick deployment. We support AWS, Google Cloud and Azure.

On-Demand Usage-Based Licensing: PilotFish offers on-demand resource usage-based licensing options for Solution Providers who prefer a pay-as-you-go model. This option provides access to the latest version of PilotFish’s integration engine with no upfront costs and a monthly minimum. An added benefit to on-demand licensing is that additional resources can be added with only an incremental cost and maintenance is included.

One-Time Licensing: PilotFish also offers a licensing option for Solution Providers who prefer a one-time purchase model. This option provides access to the integration engine with a lower upfront cost and annual maintenance.

Solution Providers can choose the licensing and deployment option that best fits their needs and budget. PilotFish provides comprehensive support and services to ensure the successful implementation and deployment of its integration solution. Training and support packages are available to assist Solution Providers with implementing the PilotFish solution.


PilotFish – the Only Integration Solution You’ll Ever Need

PilotFish’s integration engine helps Solution Providers overcome the challenges of EHR and EMR integration by providing a flexible, scalable and easy-to-use platform that facilitates interoperability and ensures data security and privacy. The comprehensive support and services offered by PilotFish ensure the successful implementation and deployment of its integration solution, making it a reliable and cost-efficient option for solution providers in the healthcare industry.

Please contact us to set up a custom demonstration and discuss how PilotFish’s solution can help you fast-track your EHR/EMR implementations.

If you’re curious about the software features, free trial, or even a demo – we’re ready to answer any and all questions. Please call 813 864 8662 or click the button.

HL7 is the registered trademark of Health Level Seven International.
X12, chartered by the American National Standards Institute for more than 35 years, develops and maintains EDI standards and XML schemas.

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