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General Healthcare Videos

PilotFish’s Integration Solution is powerful, easy to learn and has no hidden costs. > View a video. Get your questions answered.

The PilotFish Integration Solution offers you advanced technology, automated processes, and rapid development tools. Easily integrate with legacy and new systems and standards across healthcare. PilotFish licenses include every component, processor and connector (adapters) at no extra cost.

Experience why PilotFish is superior > Download the free 90-day trial. Or request a custom demonstration. Or do both.

HL7 EDI Integration with PilotFish Platform

EDI & HL7 Interfaces Routed to Database and Web Service

The PilotFish eiConsole IDE is a graphical integrated development environment for the rapid configuration of any healthcare interface. You’ll walk through the 7 stages of interface building with HL7 and X12 EDI data sources that are routed to a database and a web service.
(15 minutes)

Healthcare Integration Platform

eiConsole for Healthcare – A Scalable Future-Proof Interface Engine

Learn how to configure interfaces using the PilotFish Graphical Automated Interface Assembly Line process. No coding or scripting is required. Configure, map and test using any data format or connectivity including HL7 2.x / 3.x / FHIR, X12 EDI, JSON, CCD/CCDA, DICOM, NCPDP, and more.
(8.5 minutes)

Integrate Anything to Anything with PilotFish

Integrate Anything to Anything with the eiConsole for Healthcare

Integrate systems, databases, equipment, devices, and applications in any standard file format (EDI, HL7, FHIR, CDA, XML, Flat Files, PDF, NCPDP, Excel…) using over 30+ built-in communication protocols.
(5 minutes)

Integrate Anything to Anything with PilotFish

Drag & Drop Data Mapper in the eiConsole

Watch our graphical Data Mapper perform in this quick demo. Coding or scripting is not required. Data formats are transformed in minutes utilizing PilotFish’s exclusive 3-pane data mapper. The Data Mapper design allows you to drag & drop to create even the most challenging mappings.
(1.5 minutes)

Automated Interface Assembly Line

Automated Interface Assembly Line – eiConsole

Demo of how to create lightning-fast interface configurations with the power and flexibility to integrate Anything to Anything. With our interface engine’s exclusive Graphical Automated Interface Assembly Line process and open APIs, interfaces can be created and maintained at an unprecedented speed.
(3.5 minutes)

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