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Healthcare Integration Engine

The eiPlatform Interface Engine –
A Modern Solution to Healthcare Integration

Healthcare Integration isn’t just about HL7 integration. With all the systems, devices, applications and databases that need to be connected, you need integration and a healthcare interface engine designed to support old and new technology and standards – anything and everything. PilotFish’s Healthcare Integration Solution is flexible, extensible and compatible with any database, operating system, platform, and application server and is full of great features.

PilotFish offers support for virtually any requirement you may encounter in healthcare integration. Whether you are dealing with data analytics, lab reporting, Health Information Exchanges, medical equipment or devices, or applications that need to integrate with EHRs – PilotFish has done it all.

We offer built-in support for all versions of HL7® 2.x, 3.x, extended and non-standards compliant versions, including the new FHIR® standard. We also have built-in support for DICOM, CCD/CDA, CCR, EDI and more. Our native XML support ensures you can handle any future healthcare standard.

Workflow of eiPlatform Integration Engine by PilotFish

Flexibility and Extensibility to Ensure Your Investment is Future-Proof

  • Flexible so you can expose both modern (e.g., web service) and legacy (e.g., file-based) endpoints
  • Extensible in that all of the components that comprise the eiPlatform framework and deployed interfaces are written in Java and easily configurable and extensible through open APIs
  • Compatible because we support all of the popular application servers, operating systems, and platforms, so it is sure to work within your IT infrastructure.

Robust Architecture with the Features & Performance You Can Count On

  • Achieve genuinely multithreaded transaction handling, configurable on a per-system, per-interface or per-stage level
  • Efficiently manage both large batch transmissions and high-volume real-time transactions
  • Configure text, file and/or database logging of transaction activity
  • Immediately address problems with real-time alerting on failed transactions via e-mail, SNMP or custom behavior

Rapid Healthcare Integration Using a Graphical IDE with No Coding or Scripting Required

The eiPlatform runtime is complemented by the eiConsole Healthcare Interface Engine IDE, the developer’s workstation. Specifically engineered for healthcare integration, the eiConsole includes a specialized “HL7 TCP/IP Listener” and “HL7 TCP/IP Transport” preconfigured to handle all of the low-level details of communicating HL7 over TCP/IP.

The eiConsole also offers the most HL7 specific features of any product with a graphical interface that is intuitive and makes interface configuration fast. Once interfaces are configured in the eiConsole, they can be quickly deployed on the eiPlatform with just a few mouse clicks. Learn more about eiConsole Healthcare Integration Engine IDE

Want to speed up your healthcare integration? Download a FREE 90-Day Trial now.

If you’re curious about the software features, free trial, or even a demo – we’re ready to answer any and all questions. Please call 813 864 8662 or click the button.

HL7 and FHIR are the registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International.

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