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Hospital Data Integration

Hospitals Facing New Unprecedented Challenges 

The healthcare industry has faced challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic, including integrating hospital systems and meeting CMS reimbursement standards. PilotFish’s integration solution helps hospitals streamline their systems and improve patient care outcomes while maintaining compliance with healthcare regulations. The solution can integrate any EHR system, medical device, database, or application and provides testing and debugging features. PilotFish supports current healthcare standards and can be customized to meet the specific needs of any hospital.

The last few years have been difficult for Hospitals. In addition to the complexities of day-to-day hospital operations, the COVID-19 pandemic presented significant integration challenges relative to patient care and testing, as did the expansion of Medicare and Medicaid coverage and the resulting reporting requirements.

With the sudden patient surge, hospitals have been under immense pressure to provide effective and efficient patient care. Volumes of lab blood testing exploded. They needed to integrate healthcare systems, medical devices and databases to streamline patient care, exchange patient data and improve clinical outcomes. In hospitals, the integration process continues to be complicated by the lack of interoperability and out-of-the-box interfaces for many healthcare systems and devices. This results in the need for extensive coding and scripting expertise to implement systems.

In addition to patient care and lab testing challenges, hospitals faced difficulties related to expanding Medicare and Medicaid coverage and meeting the required reporting standards for CMS reimbursement. Expanding coverage was crucial for providing access to essential healthcare services to more people affected by the pandemic. However, hospitals needed to meet strict reporting requirements to receive reimbursement from Medicare and Medicaid. The reporting process is time-consuming and complicated, requiring the integration of various systems to provide accurate and timely data to the relevant authorities.


Meeting a Hospital’s Integration Challenges 

PilotFish’s integration solution helps hospitals meet their integration challenges. These challenges are related to the pandemic and expanded CMS reporting as well as the day-to-day operations of hospitals that need to integrate disparate systems, applications, devices and equipment. PilotFish’s full suite of integration products addresses every aspect of hospital integration: the lack of interoperability, the proliferation of legacy systems, stretched IT resources and the ever-increasing volume of integration needed.

The PilotFish eiPlatform Integration Engine supports all current healthcare standards (HL7, NCPDP, FHIR, JSON, X12 EDI) and native support for XML and offers an extensible architecture to support new standards and technologies as they are developed. This support allows hospitals to integrate multiple systems and devices faster and cost-effectively. PilotFish utilizes open-source components and an Open API, which makes extensibility effectively limitless PilotFish makes it possible to integrate any EHR system, medical device, database or application for which out-of-the-box interfaces do not exist.


Hospital Data Integration Middleware 

PilotFish’s Interface Engine allows hospitals to easily connect to and integrate with medical equipment and devices, applications, medical labs, pharmacy systems data and virtually anything else.


PilotFish helps hospitals hobbled by stressed IT departments by enabling business analysts to dominate the integration process with an easy-to-learn and use solution. Hospitals can integrate their systems, applications, devices and equipment by taking advantage of PilotFish’s graphical “Assembly Line” process, which enables non-developers to configure interfaces quickly and easily without extensive coding and scripting expertise. This structured approach, with drop-down palettes and easy-to-fill-out configuration screens, makes even the most complex integration easy to execute.

The eiPlatform’s modern architecture mediates the differences between the various healthcare formats and communication protocols, enabling hospitals to achieve substantial productivity gains. PilotFish’s solution generates W3C-compliant XSLT, providing further flexibility, futureproofing, sustainability and making clients no longer tied to a vendor.

PilotFish Client Product Quote“Love the ease of use and the speed of which you can get your job done on this platform. It has taken every file type we have thrown at it and processed the files with ease.”


“Right now we are running CCDAs, HL7s and Claims data with little to no problems at all. With the platform, we are leaving to move fully over to PilotFish – it has been a pleasure to work with and have had night/day experience from where we were.”


Senior Integration Specialist, Hospital & Healthcare

Healthcare integration is very nuanced. PilotFish offers more HL7-specific features and components than any other solution, making it possible to deal with extended versions of HL7 or non-standards-compliant HL7 in seconds. PilotFish users can quickly move from different HL7 2.x versions with a simple drop-down menu (HL7 Parsing). The software provides inline, graphical, end-to-end testing and debugging features for further productivity gains (HL7 Tools). Hospitals can test their integrations thoroughly before deployment, reducing the risk of errors and downtime.


PilotFish Middleware Gives Hospitals Peace of Mind

PilotFish’s investment in modern architecture and technology provides reliable and cost-effective solutions that can be customized to meet the specific needs of any hospital. This capability enables hospitals to integrate their disparate systems, applications, devices and equipment in a streamlined and cost-effective way, even in the face of unprecedented challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and new Government regulations.

PilotFish’s integration solution helps hospitals integrate their disparate systems, applications, devices and equipment by providing a future-proof, flexible, cost-effective and easy-to-use integration strategy. By streamlining the integration process, reducing the reliance on programmers and providing modern architecture and technology, PilotFish has enabled hospitals to improve patient care outcomes while maintaining compliance with healthcare regulations.

If you’re curious about the software features, free trial, or even a demo – we’re ready to answer any and all questions. Please call 813 864 8662 or click the button.

HL7 is the registered trademark of Health Level Seven International.
X12, chartered by the American National Standards Institute for more than 35 years, develops and maintains EDI standards and XML schemas.

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