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PilotFish X12 EDI Product Videos

PilotFish provides built-in X12 EDI functionality and expertise beyond any competitor. > View a video. Get your questions answered.

The PilotFish Integration Solution offers you advanced technology, automated processes, and rapid development tools. Easily integrate with legacy and new systems and standards across healthcare. PilotFish licenses include every component, processor and connector (adapters) at no extra cost.

Experience why PilotFish is superior > Download the free 90-day trial. Or request a custom demonstration. Or do both.

Integrate Anything to Anything with PilotFish

Drag & Drop Data Mapper in the eiConsole

Watch our graphical Data Mapper perform in this quick demo. Coding or scripting is not required. Data formats are transformed in minutes utilizing PilotFish’s exclusive 3-pane data mapper. The Data Mapper design allows you to drag & drop to create even the most challenging mappings.
(1.5 minutes)

EDI HIPAA Integration Product Suite – EDI SNIP4+

Optimize Healthcare EDI Transactions with eiSuite SNIP4+

Discover eiSuite EDI SNIP4+, the ultimate X12 EDI HIPAA integration suite. It supports all healthcare X12 transaction sets with advanced validation and real-time data insights, SNIP    1-7 validation and optional code set maintenance.
(4 minutes)

EDI 837 Data Integration with the eiConsole

X12 EDI HIPAA Integration with eiConsole and EDI 837 Transaction

Unlock the full potential of EDI 837 data integration, or any X12 EDI transaction, with the powerful eiConsole. Streamlined workflow management is tailored specifically for EDI transactions. Handle EDI 837 data from the Source to Target Systems in our 7-stage process with data mapping, rule-based routing and various connectivity protocols.
(20 minutes)

EDI 834 Conversion form CSV, Excel or TXT with PilotFish

How to Convert CSV, XLS or TXT Data to an EDI 834 Transaction

Tutorial of EDI 834 data conversion with PilotFish’s advanced integration tools. Transform CSV, XLS (Excel), or TXT to an EDI 834 format (Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance). Also the reverse, CSV to EDI 834 conversion. This demo reviews system setup, detailed mapping and testing to guarantee flawless data transformations. 
(23 minutes)

HL7 EDI Integration with PilotFish Platform

EDI & HL7 Interfaces Routed to Database and Web Service

The PilotFish eiConsole IDE is a graphical integrated development environment for the rapid configuration of any healthcare interface. You’ll walk through the 7 stages of interface building with HL7 and X12 EDI data sources that are routed to a database and a web service.
(15 minutes)

HL7 EDI Integration with PilotFish Platform

HL7, EDI & FHIR Data Integration for Reporting & Analytics

This video demonstrates a data route with multiple input sources with different protocols – HL7, X12 EDI and FHIR JSON. With PilotFish, any data format is easily written to multiple target database sources after being normalized.
(7.5 minutes)

EDI Healthcare Processing Demo by PilotFish

X12 EDI eiConsole Transaction Integration for Healthcare – Quick Tour

Build, test, maintain and deploy all of your X12 EDI integration interfaces with the PilotFish eiConsole. Routes in this Quick Tour are built with X12 EDI, HL7 and FHIR JSON feeds, transformed into XML and database statements for multiple locations.
(4 minutes)

How to Build an EDI 837 Interface with PilotFish Middleware

Building EDI 837 Interface – Quick Tour

EDI 837 messages (or any other X12 EDI transactions) are routed, validated and tested in the eiConsole for EDI X12 by PilotFish. The eiConsole is a powerful interface engine with special tools built-in to handle X12 EDI transactions (all of them) and also HL7, FHIR JSON and any other protocol or standard.
(1.5 minutes)

EDI Integration Software Platform

The Integration Engine with Built-In Knowledge of X12 EDI Schemas

The PilotFish eiConsole for X12 EDI strips away the technical complexity of parsing, validating, mapping and producing X12 EDI files and EDI documents. PilotFish provides SNIP validation out-of-the-box for Types 1-3 and for Types 4-7 as an add-on. Validate healthcare X12 EDI data, translate it and map it to or from any other application.
(7 minutes)

EDI 837 Claims Processing Integration

EDI Claims Processing, Validation and Mapping

As a select distribution partner of X12, the Pilotfish Integration Solution offers a suite of productivity-boosting features that strip away the technical complexity of parsing, validating, mapping and producing X12 EDI Files, including EDI 837, EDI 270/271, EDI 276/277, EDI 835.
(10 minutes)

EDI Software for Healthcare by PilotFish

X12 EDI Console for Healthcare Supply Chain Transactions – Quick Tour

Build, test, maintain and deploy all your X12 EDI integration interfaces. This video demonstrates a supply chain EDI route ingesting purchase orders with EDI 850 and EDI 855 transactions.
(4 minutes)

EDI Healthcare Supply Chain Software Video

X12 EDI Supply Chain Workflow Interface Configuration Demo

Walk through an example of a supply chain EDI workflow with purchase order ingestion (EDI 850). The video also includes field validation, updating a database and sending an acknowledgment back to the sender (EDI 855).
(12 minutes)

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