Splunk Integration – Event Logging in PilotFish’s eiConsole for Splunk
This is the PilotFish eiConsole for Splunk. The eiConsole is the integrated development environment that you’ll use to build, maintain, test, and deploy all of your different integrations. In this demonstration today, we’ll be showing how the eiConsole for Splunk’s event logging transport can be leveraged to post-transaction data directly as event logs into Splunk.
This is particularly useful to provide you with a snapshot of your transactions as they’re processing and then putting them into Splunk and making them available there. One thing to notice here with the eiConsole is every one of these transformations, no matter how complex, goes through the same 7 stage assembly line process, where data enters in to the system at the listener stage and is then transformed from its incoming data format into an underhand economical XML representation in the source transform stage.
It then moves on to the routing stage where that data is then routed to any number of target systems. Then moves on to the target transform stage, where that data is transformed from that canonical XML into the expected outgoing format be it JSON, EDI, HL7 or what have you. Finally at the transport stage, that data is sent to its final destination system wherever that may be.
As I mentioned before, in this case, this transformation is a little bit different from some of the other ones. Rather than taking a sort of external data from the listener and then sending it to another external system at the transport, as you might do for some other integrations, this one is actually pulling transaction data from a running eiPlatform itself.
The way this transaction listener is set up is that basically it lies in wait alongside your business logic and waits for transaction events to come through. Whenever transaction events occur, this listener fires and it encapsulates that transaction event and then lets you process it however you like. In this example, we are grabbing transaction events here at the listener stage from a running business logic, and then we’re using our event logging transport to send those transaction events right into Splunk.
This is very useful if you’re only concerned with, let’s say, only transaction beginning and ends in this case, and you don’t want to have to parse through the entirety of your eiPlatform logs just to get a couple of pieces of information. So using the transaction event listener, it’s very easy to target only those pieces of transaction logic that you’re really concerned with. And then again, here on the transport side, we’re using our Splunk event logging transport, and this makes it very easy to take any piece of incoming transaction data and with just a couple quick configuration options – connection, the index name, host and source. You can post those events right into Splunk by HTTP.
If you’d like to take a test drive, you can download our Free 90-Day Trial of the eiConsole for Splunk from our website.
If you’re curious about the software features, free trial, or even a demo – we’re ready to answer any and all questions. Please call us at 813 864 8662 or click the button.
*Splunk is a registered trademark of Splunk Inc. in the United States and other countries.
HL7 is the registered trademark of Health Level Seven International.